M.P. MOLLER Pipe Organ
M.P. MOLLER Pipe Organ

The M. P. Möller Pipe Organ in the Sanctuary originally dates from 1935, opus 6328. At that time it was a three manual and echo organ of 48 ranks, given by Miss Innie Payne in memory and honor of her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Matthew Payne. A new antiphonal organ replaced the echo division in 1961, given by Fred Retschlag. In 1976 there were extensive tonal additions and revisions and a new four manual console installed by the Möller Company. The console was given by Kelsey and Edna Petro in memory of their parents and the tonal work was made possible by gifts from Richard Gayhart, Walter and Constance Menninger, Paul and Nancy Kindling, and Robert Jacoby II. In 2002 the console was sent to the Hagerstown Organ Company for renovation and the addition of Peterson solid state mechanism. Thanks go to Richard Gayhart, Roy Knisley, Robert Jacoby II, and Walter and Connie Menninger for making this upgrade possible.
A fine, 80 rank, four manual and antiphonal organ, with 99 levels of memory, now enhances the music ministry of First Presbyterian Church for worship services and recitals. It is the largest pipe organ in the city. (You can read the Organ Specifications by clicking the link below.) The Chapel of First Presbyterian also has a 2 manual 14 rank Möller pipe organ, opus 11534, installed in 1981. Curator of both instruments is Doug Funston of Mid-States Pipe Organ Company, Liberty, Missouri.