817 SW Harrison, Topeka, KS 66612  785-233-9601

Prayer Requests

Submit a prayer request using our online request form or by calling the First Presbyterian church office at 785-233-9601. You can also submit prayer requests by email to snichols@fpctopeka.org or pyancey@fpctopeka.org.

First Presbyterian believes in the power of prayer and we want to pray for you during your time of need. Information shared with church staff about prayer requests is kept confidential, unless otherwise instructed to do so.

Pastor Sandra Nichols and Pastor Pat Yancey are also available to pray with you and your family before surgery or during hospitilization. If you or a loved one are in the hospital, please contact the First Presbyterian church office at 785-233-9601 or by emailing snichols@fpctopeka.org or pyancey@fpctopeka.org.