817 SW Harrison, Topeka, KS 66612  785-233-9601


Frequently Asked Questions

Our address is 817 SW Harrison Street, directly west of the Capitol Building in downtown Topeka. Our main parking lot is on the corner of 8th and Harrison streets. You may also park in the metered parking spaces along Harrison Street. There is no charge for the meters after 5 p.m. on weekdays, and no charge on weekends.

We worship on Sundays 8:30 AM and 10:30 AM in the church sanctuary. The 10:30 AM worship service is broadcast via livestream on our website. You can access it by clicking on Online Worship under the Worship tab on the homepage.

Yes! Children are welcomed and encouraged in worship services. If needed, we offer special “worship bags” full of quiet, fun activities to keep little ones engaged during worship.  The worship bags include quiet toys, coloring materials, puzzles and more. We also have a special children’s moment during worship. We do have a nursery that is staffed each and every week for children ages birth through kindergarten if your child is more comfortable being in the nursery. However, we cannot state strongly enough that children are welcome in worship. We do not expect them to behave like little adults—wiggles and whispers are expected!

Every Sunday, we have people who worship in jeans, and people who can’t imagine coming to church in anything other than a suit and tie. Whichever you prefer, you will not be alone, and you will be warmly welcomed.

We typically celebrate communion once a month, on the first Sunday of the month. You will hear the pastor say, “This is not a Presbyterian table; this is the Lord’s table, and all who seek Christ are welcome here.” You do not need to be a member of the church or a Presbyterian to receive the sacrament of communion. The requirement for receiving communion is the desire to receive it. Children are welcome to participate at the discretion of their parents. 

Call or email the church office at 785-233-9601 or tforrest@fpctopeka.org and ask to be subscribed to our newsletter and weekly
e-mail message. You can also subscribe to the newsletter below. You can also follow us on social media (Facebook, Twitter and Instagram) at FPCTopeka. Or, visit our EVENTS section on the home page.

Call the church office at 785-233-9601 and ask to be subscribed to our weekly e-mail message. You can also subscribe to the newsletter below. You can also follow us on social media (Facebook, Twitter and Instagram) at FPCTopeka. Or, visit our EVENTS section on the home page.

Click Here to Subscribe to the Weekly Email

The church office is open Monday-Friday from 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM. During these times, the main entry door (facing 8th street) is staffed. You can reach staff by calling 785-233-9601 and following the voice prompts. 


The office will be open from 9 am to 1 pm, Monday through Friday. Staff will use the “quiet hours” in the afternoon to accomplish important tasks. Please note: the church building will still be open and our friendly volunteers will still be at the front desk ready to greet and assist you from 9 am to 4 pm on those days–it is only the office area that will be off-limits.

If you would like to meet with a particular staff person, please call or email and make an appointment. Since each person has a different work schedule, they are not always available for a “drop in visit.”

Churches in the Presbyterian Church (USA) are part of the “One, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church.” Presbyterians are part of the Reformed tradition, a tradition that grew out of the Reformation in the 16th century. Presbyterian describes the system of beliefs and the form of church government that grew out of this movement.

You can visit our RESOURCES page to learn more about PC(USA).

If you need to speak with a particular staff person, please call or email and make an appointment. Since each one has a different schedule, they are not always available for a “drop in visit.”

Throughout the year, we periodically hold classes for those interested in becoming members of the church. You can also speak with the pastor. We receive persons into membership in one of three ways: confession of faith and baptism, reaffirmation of faith (if you have already been baptized), or transfer of membership from another congregation.

In our classes, you can learn more about the Presbyterian Church, hear about our church in particular, get to know the pastor and some members, and get many of your questions answered. Attending a class or visiting with the pastor does not obligate you to join.

Membership is required in order to vote at our annual congregational meeting, where we elect officers and approve any changes to the pastor’s terms of call. It is also required in order to be ordained as an elder or deacon. It is NOT required to attend worship, receive communion, or participate in church activities.